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Residential Painter

Residential Painter Perth

When is the Right Time to Hire a Professional Residential Painter Perth?

Painting a house may appear to be a straightforward task that does not require the services of a professional at first glance. It’s simply a painting, correct? Painting is not as involved as plumbing or working on your home’s foundation. Sure, it appears simple, but you shouldn’t dismiss it just yet. There are several possibilities to consider before dismissing the idea of employing a professional Residential painters Perth.


Pricing is naturally the first thing that comes to mind. It’s tempting to believe that painting yourself would be far cheaper than hiring a professional, given that labor costs can account for nearly 85 percent of the total cost of your paint job. However, when you consider all of the painting supplies required (brushes, rollers, priming, paint cans, dinnerware, and possibly some equipment to repair the walls), the costs add up rapidly. Before you realize it, you’ve spent roughly the same amount as you would on hiring a professional. If you are still determined to do the job yourself, here are some painting safety guidelines. You should also evaluate different types of paintbrushes before selecting the proper paintbrush.

Here’s how to determine whether you should or shouldn’t hire a professional Residential Painter Perth.

  • The entire house assessment:

Are you planning to paint your complete house, including the exterior? That’s a lot more than just altering a few rooms. If you’re repainting the entire house, you should also consider how much time you’ll spend slaving. If it’s going to take up the bulk of your spare time, it could be worth hiring a professional for the benefit of your mental health. But if you’re only painting a few rooms, here’s how to paint faster so you can finish the task.


  • Check if your walls need repair:

If your walls require some prep work before painting, a professional will complete it quickly. Although patching up drywall is rather simple, you will need to purchase additional supplies before beginning your painting project. If your walls require repair, let the professional residential Painters Perth handle it. However, if they are smooth and ready for a new coat, you will have no trouble managing them on your own.


Turn simple and similar colors into art:

Changing the room color from dark blue to light grey? That’s a significant shift, especially if you’re painting the walls a brighter color! A significant modification like this would necessitate two applications, which would incur additional paint/labor costs from the professional. As a result, you end up paying more money. If you only need a few coats, don’t spend the money on skilled labor. However, if you’re painting the bulk of your rooms in the same color scheme, you won’t need numerous coats or double the time on the professional’s clock. However, if you employ a professional, make sure they perform a full paint check!


If your walls require some prep work before painting, a professional will complete it quickly. Although patching up drywall is rather simple, you will need to purchase additional supplies before beginning your painting project. If your walls require repair, let the professionals handle it. However, if they are smooth and ready for a new coat, you will have no trouble managing them on your own.


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